Separate names with a comma.
Property of K'arn Orphanage I've finally reached the teenage years. Only a few more until I can leave this place. Here at the orphanage they give...
Apparently, in this sector, many people trust and care about Florans. Have we learned nothing? Those who forget the past are doomed to repeat it,...
Play Starbound in only my underwear while listening to... (Swearing) [MEDIA] Now its your guys' turn.
All's are owned by Coca Cola, all the way up to 42 h's. I just found this interesting and wanted to share. Oh, and put your favorite...
We have nearly TWICE as many votes as Galaxy Citizen!
totally not stolen from terallis 1.Keep to the forum rules 2. No Double-Posting (Posting below another one of your own posts) 3. No Super-Long...
As you can (probably) tell, I've gone a week without Starbound. I tend to hop from game to game, sticking my core on one, like Gmod or Starbound....
Can Florans be color-blind? EDIT: Also, can Avian's sneeze?
Need parts for planetary cannon, or just cannon itself. Single-Fire Rail gun would work, too. Will negotiate price for. - Crowliss
I'm genuinely interested in how I RPed my characters, like Clarice and Tony, but in a non-biased view, so... Judge away. Character List:...
If you don't know Clarice Kara, please just ignore this. Anyway, as the title suggests, I'm leaving Antares. I most likely won't return, so......
(Only works for Florans and Humans) 1. Take Rho Eyes 2. Equip Rho Eyes 3. Exit Starbound 4. Start up SBSE, put in your player file 5. Color Rho...
Doctor Frohman here with a job that needs to be done! You will be paid 5000 pixels remotely for scanning someone with True-Gray eyes. All you have...
This thread is made off of what I saw as something awesome that Lechinsky made on the thread "Limitation of Joke Characters" Anyway, you post...
((Feel free to post whatever you feel like, but remember it's OOC until you find the Journal itself.)) [Written in a shaky fashion.] [Written in...
So, I was carrying a sleeping horse to a building, didn’t know why I was going to the building at the time, but I just felt drawn to it, and the...
These are from my experiences in HL2RP, or general Gmod stuff. 674 Full PACed shot. [spoiler] Galen Jarius in C06 [spoiler] Conrad Kara...
((I promise myself that I won't screw up like all my other logs. This'll be done over-time, hopefully, and whenever I feel like making logs, I'll...
Welcome. My name is "Unity" and this is my constantly updated guide to torture and interrogation. I'm going around talking about torture...
((Go ahead and comment OOC and only use the information inside IC when you RPly gain ahold of the journal Crowliss keeps in his satchel. Once...