Separate names with a comma.
[IMG] This is as close as I could get. I think this is some pretty good art.
[IMG] We take my picture of felith, then, since everybody knows skarti has tones of duplicates at any given moment, we copy paste the bird four...
You sound like the kind of person who would fit right in at Tupile Corporation, Contact me in private if you are interested and want to work out...
Drop them off at New Chicago Hospital. I'll send somebody round' to pick them up. -James Eagler. EDIT: Put it in a box on the roof.
((Just recolor the jacket on that one suit, maybe the bow-tie too. Also, White shoes if possible. Sorry if that sounds like a lot.)) Well,...
I need leisure suits in White, Red, Purple and Blue, for various business reasons. -James Eagler.
Hey doc, Does your team have any use for a botanist? I've been working on a cure at the New Chicago Hospital, So far I haven't gotten anywhere...
thats so underground it belong in a mineral deposit miles below the surface of the earth. Dawg'.
Reason to add eighth race: 1. OCD person buys starbound once novakids are implemented. 2. Notices that the race buttons don't have a symmetrical...
Super mario bros. the movie is the bomb. It is on par with the works of Sergei Eisenstein and Stanley Kubrick.
I believe that I will attend. It seems such a pity that so many are dying so early in life. -James Eagler.
Here is the cure to all cancer. It is made of cyanide. Dead people cannot get cancer. Butler, bring me narrative contradiction.
Right away sir, when would you like to leave for Jupiter, Romania. Butler, stop world hunger.
Good news for anybody with the slightest interest in Tupile Corporation. We now have Several employees, but we could always use more. Current...
Yes. We are interested in hiring you. Get in touch via StarNet and we can talk Business. -J. Eagler
I get that a lot. I suppose that "big businessmen" don't really get very much adulation, But business is business.* *My father never loved me. He...
"Corporation: A company or group of people authorized to act as a single entity (legally a person) and recognized as such in law." Taken right out...
Tupile corporation was founded by my grandfather on earth*. When all the "Big Buisness" moved off world my father bought an old factory and then...
Excellent. Contact me and we can schedule a meeting at Tupile HQ.