Separate names with a comma.
[IMG] At Aiko's prompting, here's Sarah's new right forearm tattoo in a quick sketch I did.
ENTRY 41 24 May 2416 Mud ENTRY BEGIN: What a shitty day. Floran attack on Upside yesterday, Karo added to our roster as a recruit. He still...
Good work everyone. Today, we faced our first major challenge; a hostile attack on Upside by Florans. And yet, we prevailed. We secured civilian...
NAME/RANK: Lieutenant McKinley LOCATION OF OPERATION (Ship, Colony, Planet-Name): Unknown Planet; Ice-World TYPE OF OPERATION (Distress Signal,...
[IMG] Got a the entire United Systems Marine Corps, Snake, and a fuckin' box-dude. Like.. Okay lol
I actually have not! I basically just take a billion different female poses from a billion different art styles and from real people, and also...
I'm terrible :P
Attention! Fantastic news! We've just pulled a contract with Upside, and thus, we will need two contractors, one at minimum, to be patrolling...
Contracts: - Defense Contract for Upside: 1,200 Credits Per Week.
Time to teach some natives the real meaning of warfare :3
Purchases: - 10 Talekas QRF Field Combat Uniforms: 900 per each. 9,000 total. TQRF Savings Now: 6,700
How on Earth do you get your lines so clean?
NAME/RANK: Lieutenant McKinley LOCATION OF OPERATION (Ship, Colony, Planet-Name): Colony of Ragnarok TYPE OF OPERATION (Distress Signal, Colony...
It's fantastic to see the server exploding once again! Yay! Also why am I awake its so earlyplshelpmeohgeezuzzzssssgbrgs
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ENTRY 40 20 May 2416 Rigari ENTRY BEGIN: Good day. Got new TQRF gear from our orders, promoted Kahlua to Sergeant, and spent most of the day off...