Separate names with a comma.
So, I'm ready for the next training class to begin. However, there's no way in hell anyone in the TQRF currently wants to go through another...
"LETS GET TOGETHAH YEEEEEE" This is almost as bad as 'Lets Get Social"
I'll try do some Mkali stuff :3
Ooh, oooooh do Sarah :3
I wrote that under the influence of no sleep! And rage after doing that ridiculous art style. I like THIS one better!
[IMG] I like this style much better. Boom.
[MEDIA] Sarah's Theme Song. Definitely.
[IMG] oh dear God it's time to stop. But yeah, this is Sarah. DONE. NO MORE. FUCK. off to do NEW STUFF NOW.
Ooh, ooh, do Sarah! Look at my profile pic, and this:
Oh. THAT sort of XXX... Yeah, where is this place again? - Sarah
Attention all staff! The TQRF's first ever Military Ball will be coming up soon! No official dates set, nor is the location, but we're looking at...
I'll buy the MASH CD. Also uh, what's the XXX-thing? - Sarah
Honestly, I just stopped trying for 100 percent realism. This style just BLENDS better. I can do it without staring at references for 200 years....
[IMG] woooooo
I will do dis
i want to also draw the lovey dovey ;-;
Holy fuck he's big. Also holy fuck I love this drawing
[MEDIA] [MEDIA] The top one is more like, her own personal shindig, while the bottom one is an 'external' theme. Her ying and yang.
[IMG] This turned into more practice for body and muscle contours, as well as using colored pencils. I'm trying to re-do Sarah's face right now...