Separate names with a comma.
"Please cease any comedic attempts on this auction. This may be Starnet, but there's no reason to argue. Besides S+ quality space pork is people."...
3,2424,24243 excesses the currently max voxel limit for an bid.
"Have Pulse rifle, will travel. Money is to be received before co ordinance."
650 - private bid
570 - Private bid
560 Voxels is the current highest bid. The winner of the bid will gain a special rare tech discovered on the surface on the planet.
That is correct. 510,000 = 510 Voxels
BID SHALL END IN 2 DAYS Bid increase max: 10 voxels
407 voxels - Private 500 voxels is current highest 510 voxels - Private - Current highest bid
New Information: Several abandoned apex facilities discovered on orbiting planet.
375 voxels - Private 365 Voxels - Private 400 Voxels - Private Current bid at 400 Voxels.
10 million pixels is the current highest bid, offered by a private individual. !!!!!!!!!!!!!Invalid entry!!!!!!!! Highest bid: 350 vox, private bid
Auctioning off "Outpost" class Space Station in X Sector to any and all parties. Location given to auction winner for security measures....
It's not a social server and bans any cybering... So long as the cybering is done by non-dms. [whispers]
It's still like that, sadly. It's gotten worse with one of the DM's being the only constant and a creepy bastard.
Ravenloft: Prisoners of the Mist.
Such a silly song to promote humanity? HERESY! This is the true might of the Terran empire. [media]
For the greater good. [Holds flashlight under his face]