Separate names with a comma.
that RA did create "powered armor" by the definition we have all come to accept i had long conversations with many people during creation of...
nope x nope
10/4/2014 the day the shipping thread descended into the server's largest pissing contest never forget
*whimpers in pain*
*totally isn't a slutface but is still equally impressed* *this is totally what inspired this fucking crazy update spree madness yes*
guys i got him addicted to minimalist art go me go me n-now pls make the alerts stop my body can't take it anymore
tl;dr -acc179
in third grade after our dare thing i saw the guy go out to his car in the school parking lot and light up a cigarette 'twas shameful behavior
no regrets
nice torpedo tits
draw the rest of her body so i can criticize you on torpedo tits pls
bitch i do what i want #fightthepower #myhissingislegendary #correctgrammarisSATAN
[spoiler] That's a piece from one of my older weapons, but it'll serve nicely for this tutorial. -All of the numbers after "?replace;" serve as...
h-hey guys um maybe you know chucklefish w-were uh j-joking?
starcheat is mainly used for item modification, which starrreader can't do, so it can't really be a straight-up replacement most of us have also,...
[IMG] [IMG] i dont have a problem stop it go away also WELCOME TO THE SERVER AKI I HOPE YOU FIND MUCHO RPS <3