Separate names with a comma.
Ibis was making a fool of himself right there. Perfect "cultist" moment.
If you would like to know, just contact me at some point. I have started some extensive research into the subject. -Dr. John Marshall
I'd like to make one, so anyone else interested can contact me and we can see about doing this.
If I'd like to get into this, how could I apply?
I'll have to talk to Firedrinker then.
I've seen a lot of reference to the Miniknog here, OOC and IC, but they don't actually exist in the community. So would anyone be interested about...
I shall come here and investigate. This looks absolutely fascinating. -Dr. John Marshall
((Are you on now?))
"Despite this, it still intrigues me. I should like to travel here and investigate this. This can be a perfect topic for my research." -Dr. John...
Interesting.... May I swing by and have a look at the civilizations here? I'm a xenoarcheologist, and this is a perfect opportunity. -Dr. John...
Ok. I'll get someone worked out.
I'll make a character for this. When will it be available?
I would definitely try this out. Completely approved by me.
Hello, I am in the market for a sniper rifle. It doesn't need to be terrific, but something to start me off. I'd like an in-person meeting please....
Hmm. Not exactly the kind of weapon I'm after.
What exactly is this "Haymaker" rifle? -Specialist Germain
((Never mind then. Thanks.))
May I contact you about a plasma sniper rifle? -Specialist Louis Germain
What time will this be?
How much would a sniper rifle cost?