Separate names with a comma.
Excellent questions! The THB-S1 "Orca" Model is designed for use in the harsh setting of frontier space! Many have described the Orca as the...
Congratulations on your purchase of the Triton Hoverbike Series 1 "Orca" model! Your order will be completed in approximately 1-2 Triton...
((updated with purchase instructions
[IMG] *A video ad plays, presenting Triton Concepts' own Veon Summers introducing Triton's new hoverbike* The THBS1 "Orca" The Orca is a...
Added to work orders.
A lot of your issues sound like they could be resolved by simply using /w at the person you want to show something to. No one will come down on...
Your application has been considered and the verdict has been reached: Accepted. Please report to Olympus for your assignment.
To refer to what someone else said earlier in this thread, maybe for you. Be courteous.
Please post pertinent posterior
Perhaps that should be posted for posterity
I've heard awful rumours about what happens to those who divulge the secret origins of Kaz...awful, terrible things.
He did that once, long ago. He was a biologist of some sorts. He lived in a bunker and had a sewage tank in his room. ORIGIN STORIES
Accepted, welcome to Triton Enterprises!
I've gotten in trouble for saying music players should be banned on several different occasions. That being said, were I to be a music playing...
Elephant in the room; Olympus can get REALLY bad for OOC at high traffic times. I am personally taking responsibility for not cutting down on it...
That is in fact Jazz's hammock.
This is simply a public forum for the citizenry of Olympus to voice their comments, questions and concerns.
This page is for Olympus residents to submit work orders. This page will also serve the purpose of being a means of informing Olympus citizenry of...
*an ad with a man walking through a sandy beach full of white birds plays* [IMG] Antares has fallen, and Olympus arises. Over the course...
This thread is a general purpose guide for those wanting to know more about the colony OOCly. If you have any questions, I recommend you post them...