Separate names with a comma.
It's a beta. Yes I know how much it sucks using that excuse, but it is what it is and this last patch was full of bugs. I know it sucks (and you...
Last I heard a new colony was set up today..and it got blown up/rolled back. Something fishy is going on.
[media] Because I love all of you.
I too have had my character modified by SBSE and didn't need to delete him, so it's not SBSE. As a side note: You're my hero, Phaze. Thanks for...
It's working now.
It's down currently for specific issues. :) Kaz broke the link intentionally to prevent people from joining while he sets up irc chat channel...
Yes, but it's down right now while Kaz does some things. This last patch is kinda been wonky for a lot of people.
Expect another patch tonight/tomorrow. From Mollygos: "*Note: We did an oops and missed some of the content updates when we uploaded the patch,...
Probably going to end up trying my hand at modding. I've nothing better to do while at work. ( Coding, weeee!
I imagine we'll be patching more frequently now from what I've been reading on their site. New engine update this patch allows them to push...
Well, the inside of my pants are happy. Especially when reading these two lines, aside from the obvious server one. Engine feature, all objects...
What's the source for this? I can't find anything regarding this on the Chucklefish forum. Are you sure it's not just some random guy making up...
Your outbursts are only encouraging this clearly unbalanced individual to continue their random acts of excessive violence, and you'll likely...
Sometimes I wish they would capture me. It would make things...easier. :) -Valor
My thoughts when reading about Rust can be summed up in the following image. [IMG]
One of the coolest Glitch on the server..and all I've got is a BF2 character with his neck all stretched out as my avatar. q.q
Valor = [IMG] + [IMG]
I'm still here. :>
Hey, your birthday is a day after mine! Grats on the IRL level up.
Dear offender, This is the second request to set up a private meeting regarding the matter. Please respond. Thank you. -Valor