Separate names with a comma.
all the mpf/cca are 6-7 feet tall and are women. also someone accused me of metagame even though i wasn't an admin and someone told me icly about...
Avian Name: Av'Tako Gender: Male Age: Twenty-nine years old Physical Appearance: Appearing like a Mockingjay, he has a gold beak, his plumage...
-GraYMan- Uhm, no.
-GraYMan- none of above.
-GraYMan- Good point, nice logic smugglerho
-GraYMan- lol u mad cuz jack rekt u?
(( he is lying m8 lol.
-GraYMan- vilgantes - 1 bad guys - 40, union jack is back :)
rip in piece: union jack the most mlg slaver since bob marley. edit: kewl idea m8
-GraYMan- na, u be nutin,
(( shit, sorry m8 want me to return it?
-GraYMan- ty 4 agreeing with me
-GraYMan- A true war hero, a true fighter. Your style is amazing, always fools people. gr8 m8
--GraYMan-- Looks like a copycat lol.
-GraYMan- I agree, all these heroes killing the economy, good price though, 4000.
and skrubs
i am sorry did you have sweet dreams
Gold Nova 1 wants to play, my knife/ ak redline better do me good :D
ik, but most of the time when i see colonies being built, someone on purpose makes a slums.
pls don't make a slums on purpose. slums aren't made on purpose.