Separate names with a comma.
This has been brought up time and time again. Yes. It would be nice if player businesses meant something, but there is no practical way to enforce...
They came through the gates.
Alternatively, just shoot one of the mods a PM.
I was going to write up an informative post about necessary details and narrative structure, but Rezima summed it up pretty well.
Just to be clear, the council members aren't going to appear ingame, as they're a ruling body far from Antares. We just wrote up little bios on...
I wish I could say I was surprised at the lack of an official response from the terra authorities, but I'm not. Herx's body was sent back to his...
Why was the corpse of my initiate, Herx-Amman, beamed to my ship this morning? I believe he had just left for his morning bathe down at the Terra...
I never sleep. Also, ten points for posting a Marabou Stork.
Dammit Herx, stop being a bum and get a real job.
Antares 2: Electric Boogaloo
Actually, it ranges from brown to green. I could explain but I doubt anyone wants to know the specifics.
Why do you hate birds, Aiko?
Were you expecting me to post in this thread?
Lazily implemented game mechanic?
What was once lost can be found again, I personally would be overjoyed if a grounded were break from it's foolish ways and seek atonement. -Skarti
That's the problem. You lost my trust. I don't know what's going on behind the curtains, but every time I get a peek I don't like what I see. This...
Remember how I said I don't feel like I can trust the staff? backhanded comments like this don't help.
I would first have to believe that improvements would be made, otherwise I feel I'd just be drawing a larger target upon myself.
Florans are of Floran. They wipe out colonies and eat people for sport. If you choose to associate with a group that does that... Don't expect any...
Actually I think you'll find it was a headcannon reputation. Dear Raideck here is annoyed because people are just looking at the name of the...