Separate names with a comma.
Click. With a bright, red flash of light, the camera turns back on. "Jeez, uh, didn't realize I looked that out of it." He brings a hand to the...
I'd say that the "prolonged use" category would start to bear some minor relevance by then, and he'd start to feel some of the effects of...
i prefer this one [MEDIA]
"Jesus, I dunno. Is that an Earth thing? If you're lookin' for some sorta insider's view on Earth, shit, I couldn't even 'fford a trip over...
((update: @thatmcgraw did a fancy gif thing and now the OP is sexy as hell))
A glitchy assortment of pixels spread across your screen before eventually gathering together to depict an unshaven young human with a long,...
Okay, let's try to get back on topic. Rice doesn't relate much to bliss. Any criticism on the symptoms? Anything I forgot to include? Anyone else...
The doors are heavily locked, the blinds are closed (you'd need something to climb on to reach the windows), the house is distant and...
hello my name is cody parkinson's
lel If anyone is actually wondering, though, the symptoms are mainly based off of heroin.
Toxic-top based "Bliss" [IMG] Perhaps your character may have heard the name before, Bliss being a once obscure--and dangerously...
I mean, it really depends. The community should hear whatever ideas you have, and then we can decide on whether or not it should be added. We...
Here's a funny pic from Aiko's bar. [img]
Wot. He isn't asking for anything related to drawables, he just wants coordinates for the gun's placement.
That being said, they died violently, suffocating in a field of nothingness as the thread faded away.
I prefer the Amazonian idea.
have sex with me