Separate names with a comma.
if anyone's salty it's probably the person who's saying "don't speak to me god dammit", "Poor you, you're being pathetic.", "Keep commenting shit...
this is gold. Novakid having accents? Oh, jeeze, it might just be because a majority of their fucking species has the accent. A guy with a German...
"Well I'm not doing that actually" - You. Pretty sure you're the person who asked people to call you Okimura-san, not to mention your username is...
I'd just prefer you don't shove it down my throat like it's a trophy that you need to parade around the town. Well, I think i'm done here. Have...
It'll mean a lot when i'm right. On a side note, please do continue to hammer in the fact that you're Japanese, please. - rswbw
Have fun fucking up and losing all of the money you swore to keep. Seriously, a bank in a lawless sector. Great idea! - rswbw
[MEDIA] leo luster is my new waifu
I expect nothing more from this 'organization' than extorting asshats with weapons and power. Hey, kind of like USAF. - rswbw
bush did --> good job
aidslizard --> deepthroat
lmao - grijorgalhjrgdalh
i love when introductions turn into salt fests good enough to make the don juan pond look short of salt
Name : Richter Shào Age: 34 Sex: Male Race: Human Spoken Languages: English, Mandarin, and Cantonese. (I don't think that will be useful at all,...