Separate names with a comma.
This isn't IG, but when i found it i simply couldn't resist BEHOLD! [IMG] Big Ape Has Spoken.
It doesssn't take an idiot to realisse, that plan will backfire terribly. Did you forget that floransss have taken over worldss? did you forget we...
Floranss, like all other racess, are entitled to the natural rightssss given by any "civilized" sspecie ass you may call them. If Floranss are to...
Full Gallery- Everything here was either hand drawn or made on MS Paint. I can do requests but don't...
[MEDIA] [MEDIA] [MEDIA] play each separately if you never heard them befor, but all at once is a speaker busting eargasm.
[IMG] Apologies for minor racism.
I assume there is some sort of system like a cloaca hiding the genitalia, so "accidents" aren't very common. Aka- one of these hiding in its arse...
Eosapien is best race [IMG] you are awesome if you know what this is/what its from.
What Came First, the Chicken Or The Egg? Did Morgan Freeman Narrate the dawn of time? A Floran and a Hylotl Walk into a bar, they're both soldiers...
Welcome To Antares, Friend If by chance you're looking for a not-so-hated floran tribe, I'm currently trying to establish one inside of The Grey...
Hi! nice to see you here at long last! [IMG]
Welcome To Antares, We All Here Wish You a Great and Memorable Time. [IMG]
I'm fairly certain a Floran could regenerate certain body parts, like many plants, although plants grow slowly and require lots of energy, meaning...
Observation. every crew needs a good medic. Statement. I have served as a physician before. Request. Perhaps you might need someone of my...
OrchidVenom Funny: often makes a fool of herself trying to make her superiors happy. Trigger Happy and Clumsy, not too good of a combo when around...
Floran ssstaby fleshpeople FLORAN! FLORAN! FLORAN! yeeessssss sstabby FLORAN! FLORAN! and ssssoooon Floran be beeessst hunter, yess stabby yeesssss.
based on the biological structure of the races as well as in-game features- Humans: we all know what humans sound like Apex: since they're very...
Greetings fellow space travelers! I am Dekerrex, an active roleplayer since 2010 throughout different games. In game you'll find me as...