Separate names with a comma.
More or less what everyone here says. Everyone thinks he's too overprotective and a little manipulative.
Im not getting defensive, and im sorry if I come off that way, but I just wanted to stress that Asa did a better job then usual.
You also left out the parts where I chipped in to try to make it more realistic, for all purposes I was overseeing the fight, both parties seemed...
Merc faction, no freebies. Or did you mean the indevidual?
*The recording clicks on* Finally! Whew...Been a while since I recorded anything, just got done on a little project of mine. Nothing much to talk...
Its hard alright, everyone here is so violent!
[IMG] Looks like halloween in Antares aint so differnt after all. WE GOT Pandora the sexy panda. Wavemaker the sexy midget cowgirl Asa in her...
Not to toot my rp horn but Wavemakers gotten her ass kicked fair and square twice. *Proud father pose*
I'd appreciate that very much.
150 bucks a month for internet and cable, thank you based Cox.
Hey there, hows it going, you look nice! New haircut? Is that peaches I smell? Now that I've properly buttered you up I would like a drawing....
Alright then... figure any cloning facility would do but if you're only gunna be cloning goats might as well tailor your cloning facility...
The universe will collapse into itself and we will all go back into the great before times, and not even Shakespeare or CocaColatm Will be...
Now hold the phone here lassy I don't recall saying she was gunna die. Life support yeah, but death?
That being said, I do feel like this, and many other rules need to be touched up or explained a little more clearly to any future Anterians.
The mature way of handling it is to acknowledge in your own way that it exists and not bring un-needed attention to it. There is nothing wrong...
[IMG] I refuse to let this die.