Separate names with a comma.
Called it! When do I get hired? Lel - j/k ...... Or, am I..?
(( then ask about weapons ICly. One cannot presume to know what you want to know ICly if you ask in a general sense. No OOC is needed.
Any bounty hunters pursuing them can assume the following from the information that has been given: They are wanted previous USAF soldiers....
I notice the logs roll text about loading scenery right before I crash, I am sitting over Alpha Malkut (The Den). I suspect it may be the stars...
Having the same issue.
Sad because of how it looks? You hate the snow? What makes you sad? - Myoku
Glad to see everyone is sticking to the conversation topic. - Myoku
Here is the one I just built today and replaced the cruiser with: [IMG] Will most likely upload this one sometime soon. Complete with a...
Updated main post: Ship added
Whoever was once hired by an official of the Wolve's Den is no longer under any employment contracts with this specific location. Although you...
Please do not come into The Den expecting to loot it. It has fallen under new ownership and my new employer is attempting to re-establish the...
Working in the Linux world has made my respect of Open Source grow. I do not use Open Source values only in the workplace, but try to spread them...
See you in-game!
Myoku tried contacting him once, but you weren't playing him and I have only seen him twice. She visits the Beacon often because its a nice...
I overheard someone talking about being the new head of security of the Den while I was at the New Chicago bar last night. Perhaps it's not over....
Be warned, once you are in, you will be involved ;) I'll be around. - Myoku
You could just keep an eye on Starnet. Perhaps help organize ongoing Market items if needed. Just an idea! - Myoku
Limited interaction with, but happy for the both of you! - Myoku
Hey John, Thanks for this! Your settings caused my weapon to become a Generic item after I entered the game once, so I was able to mesh your...
*waves* Be safe! - Myoku