Separate names with a comma.
Hey Avis, There is a thread you can post pictures on. My purpose behind this thread was to upload shipworlds to, which is where "Open Source...
Get the Sunbro right on the mid of your back, below your shoulder line so that the collar of your shirt can hide it, but you know it's there.....
I'd like to point out that there -is- now a difference in The Den and The Wolve's Den. - Myoku
I thought the Floran owned the planet and New chicago's leader was paying them to be able to stay there? - Myoku
Oh, well... In that case, ours isn't a great server for in-depth character development, but perhaps the -only- server.... For that purpose, of...
Hello Olive-.. Oh, uh, I mean.. Olivia.. Most here are here for teh arpees, but there are one or two sometimes that must be punished. Still a...
Would payment in gold suffice? - Myoku
[IMG] Small, efficient, holding cell - just missing medical! Thanks to Starwave for helping me fill in some blank spaces!
It stole part of my life, at the same time being fulfilling... I guess it was more love/hate than just hate.
Sunbro... I hated that game, but.. Yeah, it's cool.
(( I go there maybe twice each time I come online and no one is around ))
I've fired two shotguns at the same time... It hurt... [IMG]
If they are on the loose, expect they have access to a weapons cache. Even if the USCM wanted to confiscate a weapons cache, it would take them a...
Don't worry, it was a player that caused it.. Just tell us who that was and everything will be ok... *pat pat* P.S. That person -might- die....
Well, I am sure that anything that happens that you do not like is just that, but what exactly do you not like about The Den? Perhaps we could...
We just established that.. ( <- No hostility meant there! )
Brb.. I'm feelin' a little hungry for CEREAL!