Separate names with a comma.
Just can't win for losing today. =\ Sorreh!
I think he was asking for the player's skills, and not the player's character's skills. Personally, I have always found myself at times when I am...
I believe you might have this backwards -and- upside down. Knowledge is made up of both Intelligence and Wisdom. (Not Intelligence made up of...
I appreciate the friends I have made here in the short amount of time I have played. Some have shown me trust while allowing me to be a part of...
(( Please keep all OOC comments in Brackets "(( ))", "[[ ]]" when under an IC thread. I say this, because due to the recent influx and then...
With some RP, I try to play my character with some of the knowledge I have OOCly. Knowing how to use a vantage point, making booby traps,...
Do you want to do this purely RP, or have a visual mod as well?
#1 on the list and #1 in our hearts. They deserve it!
You could do this, but the changes would only take effect on the client side, and no one else would see it. Since the process would involve...
(( Sorry, ignore me.
(( Wait - the USCM was RPing that your Mech stayed behind and that they took it.....))
Attler and everything with two legs and... Holes...
(( I was going to comment on this chaos, until I took a gold bar to the face. ))
(( ... Didn't Aeros Die in the Firefight? ))
I always try to think of each character's backstory before deciding which to play. The first backstory I can easily build off of for the mood I...
I think there is a thread like this already, but don't quote me!
I think I played on Sinfar once.. Beyond the one I mentioned (Whos name escapes me atm), I also played on 'Lost Realm of Camelot' and one other...