Separate names with a comma.
I wouldn't mind doing that! I'm interested to know about how small you would want it to be, whether it be 50%, 33% or 65% the current size....
Hey! The visible time was actually increased from 5 to 30, and the history limit from 64 to 1000. The history limit has had no visible effect on...
Greetings! I updated the Mod with 65% transparency chat backgrounds. Due to how much lighting some places use, I have found the darker...
You could play Starbound on Linux... I do that, runs fine.
Howdy Spooky! [IMG]
Well, I /did/ say 'Some Things' and not 'All Things'. :)
To be fair, the Hylotl borrow some things from Japanese culture. The pursuit of beauty, the style of some of their clothing, the way they act...
If you honestly feel you need to be somewhere, and the possibility of Floran folk being there as well is high, then wear something besides...
Posting "How to avoid Florans" in a public place was the best way to ask the question, where -everyone- can read it. How can you expect some...
Which you apparently lack due to you tripping a Floran for absolutely no reason other than to get attention. - Myoku
The Floran didn't grab your leg and use it to trip itself, you did that on your own. And when something scares you, you normally turn away or...
Maybe if you stop trying to randomly trip each one that passes in front of you, they wouldn't be so hostile towards you. - Myoku
I modded a mod and shared it in another forum, thought I would make it's own thread. This makes your chat window quite large, so hopefully you...
THANK YOU! Was wondering how modding chat would work, but.. That mod was still too small for me, so I made it bigger.... A bit... [IMG]
What characters do you play?
+1 I think it's a good idea. A pool of knowledge about all military powers who publicly list themselves.
Not sure about the artistry portion of this, but I could make you a dolly with an eyepatch if you want to message me your .player file with the...
I am a good example of how in-depth knowledge can escape the simple-minded.