Separate names with a comma.
I appreciate this place's "borderless wall", that lets people from every walk of life, ignoring creed, locale, race, faith, age, gender, and every...
Can I draw you new avatar? ((when free time falls from on high)) With the new format, you're currently the "slightly dirty white square" to my...
*Jim Harrison is as appealing as molecular annihilation of everything you ever loved* At least Jim -sucks- a little less! -User Was Smacked for...
The thing about WWII era guns is; they are incredibly easy to mass produce. There was hardly any complicated inner bits; they were primitive,...
Random quotation time! This is kinda silly; I'm not even a big fan of Human's having a strong cultural bias, much less aliens who've had very...
Not really. No, they end when one party is either unwilling, unable, out of points, or, Lord forbid; they cede they were incorrect. Your's has...
In private circles and other threads, your name is synonymous with it. Couldn't have said it better. This is just fluff for continuing the argument.
It's not within anyone else's power or their responsibility to change your mind. The choice and duty is yours. People are eager to see him get...
Careful in the third act, the Monkeys are gonna do a number on your strawman. To answer in order; -No, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, and no...
The conversation is about the Toxicity issue. Your's, Edvyn's, and several others' names continually are mentioned with this issue. I personally...
The speaker initiates contact, starts the conversation, and sets the tone, If you lack the self-control not to personally insult someone over...
[IMG] I can respond in snarky images too, with sarcastic short wrap-ups; I'm not sure why you replied, I wasn't talking about you.
Uhhm, so if both have the same effect of "nothing", and convey the same meaning. . . Why do the path that gets you the speaker in trouble? I don't...
This is what I was getting at; the post was more in regards to reaction to the announcement.
Good Lord. I know it's the normal reaction; with any new major or minor policy changes, in any place with some kind of structure, some people...
He seems alright? . . It's kind of an overused trope at this point; dottering old mad-scientist doing useless work. [IMG] It's played solely for...
I wanna post the first one! Miri works under the Unbound Doctor's United; an intergalactic version of Doctors Without Borders, essentially. They...
((Miri)) It's a hat. . . Cowhide, the person said? I have 100 pixels for anyone who can sell me leather to fix it. 24cm by 30cm should be enough...