Separate names with a comma.
These logs are all publicly available in any online medical information directories. -- -- -- >_ ::Accessing [Remedium Case Files] Database::...
The following video, titled Update + 'Float On' Cover by Chanel Legarde has nearly non-existent amount of likes or views, and zero comments. A tag...
(Mostly making this to keep around for the ever beloved copy-pasta WoT in-game.) ~~ Chanels' Vlog ~~ This scrappy waif can’t be a biscuit past...
Hi, I guess I should do one of these??? I'm back from an epic , long haul quest of 'not being on SBRP'. I have failed my quest, because- Well I'm...
This video blog is owned by user 'channy777', hosted on a popular sharing forum ~~~ The first video posted is titled 'Modern Waste' cover by...
< Some old coot come back from the (metaphorical) dead.
Well pan handles look who it is.
People who think it's okay to pass judgement on how other's choose to live their lives, insisting they know better. If it's not stopping others'...
I always liked the impression that the Glitch are just as technologically advanced as other races (if not more so), their medieval aesthetics are...
All this kerfuffle is good effort put towards a fruitless gain. If ships can receive the signals, then couldn't the ship just relay it to the...
I think this means well, but is over-thinking a minor issue. Yes Galaxy Chat clutter can be bothersome, but, this is an annoying speedbump to...
l :
Perusing the new set-up; I actually quite like it. Quick and easy to access, takes alot of backend out of the process. Quality control is a...
Why am I here? Don't ask hard questions. Breakdown time! Lore Creating our own system of Lore is an admirable, but dangerous decision. You get a...
Another familiar face exits the stage. Bye Malachar; hope you find something better where you're going.
I personally invested alot of time and energy into helping this faction oh so long ago, and it's disheartening to see it fall into the same...
-Currently Inactive-
Don't rub it in my face, jeesh. Bottom up, we were wrong.
This would be alot more useful if the mods were beings of the material plane, and didn't feast on the fear gripping every mortal heart. User Was...