Separate names with a comma.
Sounds Dope, definitely gonna be there! -noah (30th like the actual 30th of this month right?)
*A peace of paper with an add would be stuck up with a thumbtack, attached would be an old Picture of a younger Noah doing some cargo work.*...
I am Also Interested...
Hello, I'm interested in the cargo work job, is there any specific time you like me to meet up so we can go into further detail about the job?...
Noah goes threw all his emails but still cant find the one, he decides to clear all if not most personal information from the device, then...
All around council space, and they can pay for it aswell
Look, I love Antares, its so fun to role play with everyone on this awesome server, staff are amazing, the community is fantastic, but what the...
That Actually sounds fucking awesome
So I'm making kind of inn on a planet somewhere, but the thing is it's gonna be like a villain pub rip off, don't know if that counts as a colonie...
A long time ago, I looked up I to the sky, and saw judgement and courageousness, that day, I saw, Soap...
Fucking Greifers Man...
Nicholas Theme Song [MEDIA] I chose this because I think it represents Nicholas depressing past and the only thing that eases his pain is his...
Message- Hey guys, Cris here, wondering what you guys wanna see next, Heart Attack prank, or the Mystery Sneeze prank!!! Peace out Prank...
-Video- Cris going up to a group of 3 people (Nano, Omega, Jaycee) telling them he was looking for "Dirty Work" , They would tell a guard, but...
• Name: Seth • Class: 1 -Visitor • Race: Human •Date Of Birth: April 1st, 2397 (22 years old) •Occupation: Unemployed •Contact Info: 294-753-8294...
Good bye Kaz, Hear come the tears.......
*Voice Recording from Axis* Done *sound of treadmill turning on* *Beeeeeeeep*
*Voice recording from Axis* I'm just soooo fucking board though, It makes me tired and lazy, infact, I should probably invest in a treadmill, or...
wow, that was cold, just plain mean, Just try'in to have some fun bud, but you just killed it, damn, I feel kind of awkward now, I don't even...