Separate names with a comma.
((Yes.)) Ow. Yeah, I'm okay... Shoukaku just got pissed at me for a bit. She's still pouting, on the gun deck. *Background mumbling about cheating...
So... it's on Monday then? If so, Sep might just show up.
I have no idea, they're sickos, I gue-*slapped* Lucius Septimus Magnus, What the HELL are you doing?! You vulgar, sociopathic monster of a...
Uh... I'll be scientific. ERP is an acronym for Erotic Role-Play, which involves the reproduction systems of various entities. In other words, a...
Personally, my ship has 4 large railguns, and it works like a charm. -Lucius Septimus Magnus
((She just gets it from... places.))
This reminds me of a game that I played in my childhood. It was really old and was only capable of being played on an antique that had been passed...
Pervert. 出撃します、死にたい船はどこかしら? -Lucius Septimus Magnus
((Who'll RP as the Miniknog?))
Hm. Curious why I stumbled upon this on the very open and public Starnet, perhaps making it harder for said Miniknog crewmen to access this file...
Hm. Sounds interesting. Perhaps I'll join, if the time doesn't mess up my schedule... D: Anyway, perhaps I can make an infantry character? (USIF)
I WILL SEND YOU A NOTARIZED CERTIFICATE CONFIRMING YOU DO NOT EXIST! -Saxton Hale Well, hopefully bygones will be bygones and stuff will get...
I appreciate his like of TF2.