Separate names with a comma.
You can't even handle me, what makes you think you can handle more people? P.S. Adventure
Militant ship fleets will never be making an appearance again in this community outside of events.
Do florans even have ears? Or are these other people's ears you are asking for. Ear lending... Okay, this seem pretty floran after all. Carry on....
What is the intended return for investors? - R
They too are possible, if we have square avatars, someone can make theirs into a triangle if they want. Man, square avatars sure give us, the...
[IMG] Today we honor the fallen. [IMG] Brave Killek, for you we weep as you no longer stand beside us, but we rejoice as we see you ascend...
It had become common she was left alone, just the quiet chatter from the television and her thoughts to keep her company. They had been kind...
The hiss more or less falls in line with what a lot of us believed. The bigger issue here is floran age. Up until now I know myself and other...
Set up a bunch of faction/colony sub forums. You're welcome.
If you need to transfer stuff by hand to yourself, consider doing so in single player. All new character share the same starter world and the...
I have a job for you. It's very secret.
Square, because people who want round ones can just make round avatars.
Starbound hates all of us, it is true. You can minimize how much it hates you by making sure you don't have outdated or unsupported mods. All else...
All the hivemind are connected. They would all see and know what the others see and know. They know where each other are and what they are doing....
The entire premise behind this sorta falters when you introduce the hivemind aspect of it to the idea.
You already did that when you shot my birds. :<
Firstly. Rude. Secondly. Still rude.
The mere fact they were "caught in the crossfire" is admission of involvement. A trap was set. Those who assaulted our faithful were involved in...
Let us make something perfectly clear. There are no prisoners of war, as there have been no declarations of war. The intelligence we received was...
You have no prisoner. You have a hostage. Our faithful was abducted from the site of an operation and given to the United Systems. We have broken...