Separate names with a comma.
This thread's pretty old and was only needed during the transition from the previous version to 1.0. You should toss colony ideas at us in the...
Sounds good to me. Approved.
Willing to ferry goods for you boys if you've got some coin to show. Jackrabbit's always ready for a run if you haven't died yet. -HeckExpress
not so hilarious but a much needed bump [IMG]
You're free to build just about anything, so long as it ICly makes sense to be built or have existed. Only things like colonies need approval.
That should get you in, so long as your info is correct. Provided you keep encountering issues, we can try resetting your password for you.
First off, welcome to the server! Your name is in the whitelist, so I do suspect that something's messing up on your end. Maybe you're entering...
Heyo, welcome to the server! Always happy to see a new face floatin' in.
Just toss an thread up in the staff application forum letting us know you wanna join the team.
It's been awhile since we took your feedback and users requested we gather an event team, but we certainly didn't forget about it! The general...
Yes, i'm ready to experience the god-tier rp, lol. Welcome to the server!
Welcome to the server!
Our brand new lore forums now boast a basic outline of each of the seven races, as well as some general lore on the setting. It's worth a read!
aaaaaaaaa I unno man, send 'em a conversation on the forums or try to catch them on the discord.
A napkin is thumbtacked onto the board, a message hastily scrawled across it in permanent marker. "To whom it may concern (Mary/Clementine I...
I remember ya', pal! Welcome back to the server.
Aiko's in discord right now actually
MRB is technically Aiko's thing, so you'd probably have to communicate that with them.
Ah, right. I'd assume the MRB is a private organization which is allowed to operate in the area by the Council. And the Council wouldn't be...