Separate names with a comma.
[IMG] Coldwell Biomedical Corporation tm Greetings! The Coldwell Corporation has chosen a planet within your local sector to colonize for...
I'm gonna approve this. Just don't pump out a billion of these things and they're a-okay.
Oh, nearly forgot. If you plan to actually play an android or robotic character based off this, you'll need to put in a character application for it.
So long as your androids aren't tossing people around like ragdolls and you're not producing a billion of them in your megafactory, it should be...
Welcome to the server! Always nice to see new faces eager to get into it.
mmm yes i love me some bird
The server will go down for a few hours next Thursday (12/15/16) for maintenance. This should hopefully solve any wonky business the server has...
Well, if that anon stopped posting, it's likely they're not interested. Players who are interested in participating will certainly opt to give...
The anonymous function was created specifically to be used in the black market, which is where you posted. The whole idea is that the section is...
tbh [MEDIA]
Heyo. I'll be doing a quick little event on Sunday, probably near fiveish PST. It's no big deal, just a little distress beacon, but I figured i'd...
Yes hi hello, welcome to the community.
We are currently not accepting job applications for this site. Apologies! Your application will be held onto in the event a job opening arises. -...
isn't this like your third intro thread tho
Naaaah, she's fine where she is. I've made it even more obvious that we don't use this thread anymore, though.
It's nested into the staff contact forum, so ah... technically it's a subforum.
While us staffers can offer you some ideas, you're probably looking for everyone's opinion, aye? In this section, only the staff and you can see...
Comprehensive and reasonable; I like it. Just don't let me catch you trying to pull the biggest hack of the history and you're golden. Approved!