Separate names with a comma.
I get that, I just find it much simpler to buy the Fuel through that convenient vendor accesible from every galaxy with pixels I always have than...
[MazAEkial] I was drawn to this post for some reason. I think it's called "boredom" or something like that. Anyways, for the sake of...
Visited Katune. Found out the "restaurant" there was only being used as a bar at the time. Walked outside and played music to end my own boredom....
Maz is either sleeping on his ship or contemplating what he's doing with his life since nothing seems to be going on when he's around. Sion's...
I see. Well, my point still stands about the fuel station. Otherwise it just pushes people towards Starcheat and Moon-mining for fuel (which I...
I can't help but notice that the quests and 90% of the vendors were removed from the outpost. NPCs I guess I understand...but I personally think...
[MazAEkial] Okeh-doke, I have a slightly more complicated order. I'll start with the simple bit first. x2 KA-BAR knives (300) x1 Shotgun (700)...
One of these days I'll be on the server when the settlements are populated with more than two people having a 1-on-1 RP. Dare to dream.
Oh. Ok. I'll just go back to wallowing in my pathetic console peasant corner...because I'm too poor to afford the parts to make a PC better than...
Ugh. I was very hyped and ready to say "I'd be delighted to run Heists with you!" until you said "3" PS4 myself, and my PC is too incompetent to...
Boo. That was just terrible.
Sweet! A perfect avenue for me to kill time in. *pops writing fingers* Lez do this.
[MazAEkial] I ditched the spiked-up anime haircut a year ago and my hair's no longer whiter than a fat man's butt (at least not all the time...),...
[MazAEkial] Coordinates would be nice. Just saying. I shall give it a shot, solely for the fun of it. I can't see myself needing a million...
Thank you very much! You're a life saver, buddy. Specifically a life of obnoxiously clashing teal helmets. My personal guess (knowing next to...
I see. First off, thank you for making that clarification at the end that you do not consider Florans to be demons. I could imagine all the racism...
It seems I'm having a bit of an issue. SBSE isn't letting me change the color of the Seeker Helmet. Armor and greaves work just fine, but the...
MazAEkial. As a self-proclaimed Demon Hunter myself who plays the "long story" card as well, can you specify what is meant by the term "Demon."...
Day Four-Hundred-and-Twenty-I-don't-even-friggin-know-anymore. I lost count at 2, apparently. Should probably work on my Math skills again....
((I don't have his signature armor, ship, or weapons because I suck at starcheat. And joining with a fresh save would ruin him. So he's not "gone"...