Separate names with a comma.
Frankly I don't see this as hard as you might. Sure CF lore is a bit... missing. Fixing the holes and filling the gaps is not that hard....
Love being shutdown at every moment.
No that is not what you previously stated. So the one and only source of information is based off a could have or has been person that happen to...
Is that or is that not creating a variant sub-species with different traits than others of their race? Besides there is not fish-like. CF lore...
Here is the thing. From what it sounds like. You want hylotl's to have a sub-species with abilities or racial traits that differ from each...
Honestly the sub-likes should be view exactly at the race as a whole. Just like you have Africans, Asians, Europeans, etcetera are all still...
In my opinion. While I am not the hylolt resident expert. I say yes, but not the good as the gills are becoming more vestigial they get when an...
Chat Killing skill 43/100
You really think that all of humanity would just give up? Sure in Titan A.E they did but there was nothing to fight for. Here they do have....
samurai jack is fucking awesome!
Honestly I like both what Clem and Britton have done. Personally I would like to see a good calibration between the two of you. This way there...
Probably Lyro.
Reason I asked for more definition of "timely fashion" is that I have had to deal with having the staff resolve a few things and it took a month...
I like this idea I have a bit of hesitation to this. As there are many that prefer cetain races and want to make them better then the other...
Later Kaz. Do you best in what ever you are doing. Also who is handling the raffle stuff last months and this months?
Nah. I am sure if you put your Profile handle or character name you would be fine. Unless you have a P.O. Box that address part would be a...
I can agree with Diehard's assessment. The colonies we have are all cookie cutter from either other. There is no festivals, action, nothing....