Separate names with a comma.
If you need help, I'm sure I could help you out with a month or two. I'm sure money's gotta be tight right now with your medical bills and all....
Well ya know, as much as everyone loves wanking, you can't really do that long-term. You get tired eventually. I heard about this site called...
Just a tad bit confused about the whole no more USAF thing...
You mentioned no combat during these heists, but what if something went wrong? What if a guard caught you? That doesn't necessarily mean you get...
You were told you couldn't get in the lab lol Really crappy time for server troubles...
Can this go on his tombstone, or in his obituary or something? It'd be kinda ironic seeing as he got shot...
Shakhter, are you willing to purchase some more metal that you can turn around and sell? I've been mining on a volcanic planet in the X sector...
Sounds great!
Anytime works for me as well, I was just trying to break the tie. Xenos if it helps, I can change my vote lol. 6pm EST works for me too
In the essence of breaking a tie, today at 11 pm EST works
I think the vote is locked, or ended or something. I can't vote, and I saw someone else saying they were too late
I'd really like to not die, but if it's gotta happen, it's gotta happen haha. As far as losing my ship, I'm ok with that, but is it possible to...
I'd be happy to help with this, but I've never RP'd combat (new to RP in general >.> )...what do you need still?
Nat, I may have an opportunity for you to work security detail on a ship. It's quite large, and you'll be required to aid when the crew beams down...
Hi there! The name's MkVenner. I'd like to apply for residency in New Freehold. I'm sorta new on the StarNet. Served a few tours in the military,...