Separate names with a comma. I didn't sign up for mandatory purple weasels, chucklefish
Oh, god. I got introduced to the concept when I was, like, eight, on some Runescape server I played on for two days. Then I forgot about it for a...
Florans, luckily enough, will not have to be suffered in the afterlife. Praise Kluex, Ashenwing
Pirates will meet their judgement in the next life. With any luck, it shall not be a long wait. Praise Kluex, Ashenwing
But it's 4/20 blaze it today!
Not if it's half empty because someone was drinking out of it.
Two, but I have no idea how they got in there.
the NaCl when an event happens and alts with guns start pouring down from heaven above
The awkward moment when you can't get in because the server's full and don't know whether to be happy or sad.
I'd appreciate if we were able to start closer to 7 than 8.
Oh my god, 30 people online. Is this the most we've had in ages or is it just me?
All the Internets to anyone who can find me a way to remake Johnson's sunglasses.
This is what happens when you let Florans get too close to the civilized aliens. - Crow
If this idea is still alive, I'd be interested.
That awkward moment when you abandon a character idea because you can't find the right vanity armor.
I'm getting this error when I try to edit a character. I'm running the latest version on Mac.
Sure am looking forward to booting up the game and getting into the bar RP.
You could also buy fuel from an in-RP fuel company. [/shameless self-advertising]
Captain's Log 5:30 Eastern Galactic Time Entry Nine It's been a while since I've updated this log. Truthfully, little has happened. The mining...
Free money to all players!