Separate names with a comma.
Below is recorded all of the past and present members of the Knights of Ragnarok. The Iron Order The Iron Order is the primary division of the...
[img] Who wouldn't want to be in the middle of this? The Knights of Ragnarok Do you want adventure? Glory? Honor? To defend the innocent, uphold...
An important thing to remember is that your character's primary trait shouldn't be that they're gay.
Ser Ironbeep, the male Glitch knight of indeterminate age, hereby announces his intention to oversee the construction of a small keep for the dual...
Will characters also remain?
So, I've got a character. His name is Ser Ironbeep, and he's a very over-the-top Glitch knight. I think that what he needs is an equally...
We here at IBC are firm believers in the idea that all of the news of the last five months cannot be adequately covered in a single broadcast....
[IMG] That's right, Antares Council Space, it's that time once more! Everyone's favorite investigative reporter nods to the camera, takes a long...
At least, probably. I was so impressed when I remembered this forum and saw that it was still going (reasonably) strong that I'm going to give it...
Dragonfire can't melt stone towers. Harrenhal was an inside job. Wake up, sheeple!
They soar now in a better place, free from all oppression. May we all find the courage to face the enemies of the devout, knowing that we shall...
[img] Get ready, Antares, because it's that time of day again! Everyone's favorite reporter takes a long sip of coffee, and then looks to the...
[img] Yep, it's everyone's favorite reporter again! He sips his cup of coffee and then turns to address the camera, a serious look on his face....
I wonder if it will one day be possible for pets to be ejected out the airlock.
It's all so STRANGE. Like complaining about a facebook update.
I have an AP test friday. I feel the pain. RIP in pepperonis.
[IMG] It's everyone's favorite reporter, sitting at his desk with a coffee in hand. He takes a sip, then directs a solemn frown at the camera....
This is a sector of self-righteous interventionists. That you live among them is your issue, kin. Only when the faithless have been brought to...