Separate names with a comma.
Renos noclip.
This isn't required for all tribe member I'm assuming. Its just an optional thing for fun. If you don't want to do it, then don't do it.
Welcome to the server! Hope you get accepted and I hope to meet you in game. Just let me know if you need anything and I'll do my best to help you...
Gruvhound ---> Dishonor Gruvdog ---> Dropout
Welcome to the server! You still trying to figure out how to log in?
The dragon egg? Yeah, I can see it.
You're welcome. Good luck, and welcome to the server!
Sorry, you just said that you don't know where to start, which is rather vague. If you could describe what it is that you need, then I might be...
Antares RP and You: In-Depth Beginner's Guide | Starbound Roleplay I guide by the amazing smokestack. Srsly, this thing helped me a bunch!
A lawful evil villain methodically takes what he wants within the limits of his code of conduct without regard for whom it hurts. Mine was just...
Hey Fluffeh. I know exactly what your talking about, and it really is a very tricky thing. Playing A character similar to yorself can actually be...
I'm not being salty! I'm saying hello to the new guy! but srsly, welcome to the community.
Welp, removing mods didn't work. What exactly do you mean by "Reset from scratch"?
I'm still having these issues. Not sure what to do. Anyone have any helpful advise?
Hey. Ill just assume that because this is in the introductions, your new here. so... Welcome to Antares! Hope to see you around some time, and...
Hey dude. Welcome to antares! Its a pretty cool place to hang out in, lots of nice people. Sure hope to see you around!
How about novakid facial expressions? Or if they can scar or not? We haven't talked about the novakid much, which have the least written lore...
Just message Angre that you need the IP for the server. He should help you out. Good luck!
I also don't speak for haplap... Or anyone else on the server... Good luck!