Separate names with a comma.
If you don't like the direction the servers going, you should say something about it before you leave, because contrary to your beliefs, your...
But iron isn't a thing. There's no iron in this world. Or plastic for that matter. You can also kiss trees goodbye while you're at it. Have a...
On Antares, roleplay and events are created by the community, not the staff. If you want to run an event, find a handful of players who seem...
Welcome to the family bud! You got questions? We got answers! And occasionally they're right, too!
Although he is rather sour about it, I do feel like Michael brings up some fair points. My greatest peeve with this server, however, is that...
[ATTACH] I volunteer as tribute!
I really like the idea! What would the story/event be based around though?
I hope to see you again, pal
Welcome back, pal!
And here I thought we finally got a new local spam bot... Way to disappoint... Welcome to the family pal!
I am ready to watch said movie, silently in my private corner of the room where I pretend to roleplay while really just watching other people!...
A page an' a half is enough to last us a long time.
Or be cool and don't listen to Reconus.
Welcome to the family! It is a huge family, and you are now part of it! There is no escape!
[MEDIA] Welcome to the family, my spooky friend!
Welcome back fam! I can't wait to meet you, and I hope to see you on the server!
Welcome back fam! I shall keep my eye out for you, to see if you are indeed as good as you say you are... *skeptical eyes* I do hope to see you...
Welcome to the family! Can't wait to see you on the server!
Welcome to the family! Hope to see you on the server!
Welcome to the family! About half of this server consists of dank memers, so you're gonna fit right in! hope to see you on the server!