Separate names with a comma.
Chassuer- Game-meat stew. Simple, earthy, and always filling. Ameany- French-silk Pie. Sweet, pretty to look at, and light on the appetite....
Mocking. Ladies and gentlemen, lets all add "Tweet" to the list of appropriate bird calls that the avians make. -Fleetfeet211
Yeah, we should quilt while we are ahead.
Yeah Narf, this thread is knot your problem.
Hey bby, U wnt sum fuk?
I heard they have nice feather in Turkey this time of year.
Me too, but I guess you could already sea that huh?
Hold your sea horses, we shell krill you later.
Ferno X No one... Oh lawd.... I am so alone.
"Looks like someone pissed off a chap who knows his way around a photo-touch-up program."
These jokes are really punny.
[IMG] Sadly this is the only image I have of myself.
-Aelita I was actually a very good cook back on my home planet, has the position been taken yet or can I still apply?
"Ten-thousand pixels worth of meat for her! I was looking for a new hand around the ship!"
Oh hell yeah! I can take pot-shots at a bunch of crazy florans, give me a set of cords and a date and I will make my way to you. -Ferno-
*Grabs 22 rifle.* I HEARD UNDEAD! or something like that, look it up orville!
Statement. Quite the contrary, for the most part. -Forgeheart-