Separate names with a comma.
*another side-note* You all may soon apply for jobs as soon as we can finish business plans.
Log 7 A new name has been chosen, and that name is "Cooper's Foundation" It is informative but simple. All of the buildings on the planet are...
*side-note*Our charity's main source of pixels is our skill to export crystallized ore and Quarts alloys to build the well know Crystal Furniture....
Here at "Coopers Foundation" in we want to help as many people in need of food, homes, and an education. Our state of the art facility uses...
Hmm. Well I apologize for wasting your time, good luck with you current situation.
Oh. well sorry about that. Though you really should consider the job.
Well, this is a legitimate charity. Here i'll upload a picture of the facility. Plus you don't have to worry about racial conflicts, racism, and...
Well, if your life is going downhill, you should work at my charity. Earn back some good Karma, it'll do you good. -Galtment Cooper
Wow guys, so many great suggestions.Though I have to say the winner is Logan(Shalken)! Acronymns are nice, but for a business you generally want...
Someone please make a suggestion, for I am not creative enough to do so. [ATTACH]
Log 6 This will be fairly short because today I am extremely busy. Then name needs to be changed, I thought about it, it was too long. So if you...
Hello, if you are here you have probably read my logs, and found out I am in need of naming suggestions. I wanted to change the name, because...
Log 5 The furniture has just arrived, and I have to say. the designers did their job well.I wish all of you could see this right now!All the...
Log 4 Bad news- A few programmers got fired Good News-New programmers were hired to make a code for the drones so secure, they're guaranteed to...
*later that day* *accidentally hits record button without knowing it* Hey Betty, I said decaf not caffeinated! I'll be right back sir, sorry for...
Log 3 So, it's been a few weeks now. Sorry for not really updating you guys about the construction process.I had a near death experience with one...
Log Two *construction noises in the background* It has been a few weeks now, and wow the drones are really going at it, the first building is...
*cough cough* Hello, my name is Galtment Cooper, this is log number one. I just arrived on the new planetary system "Alpha Pi PsA 153 V" Today I...
Thank you very much Doc for approving my application!