Separate names with a comma.
Asani already does this (more or less, possibly depends on guard), and remember prison rp must be done accordingly. If they are to stay for a...
Instead executing big hits, it could work if done properly using fake identities. New Chicago event may haven't worked properly, and expecting it...
Asani's moon has been restored.
Man, napalm will have side effects, apart from creating a barren. Hell, who am I to judge, considering how Liberty Mills was built. -Doc Moses
The birds? Did a good job, but in the end their religion got excessively in the way. Combine that with an amazing amount of peepz who doesn't like...
*listens to the entire record, saving it as an audio file afterwards* -Firewing
((Stay IC and on topic, please. Thank you))
Forum just wants to be triple sure of it. [IMG]
Because it's food, maybe from Asani? (their one and only farming product)
Overkill. I think it was...
If you feel it's a problem, try different ways to move players out of it. Events, galaxy communications (I have seen a few players trying it that...
Jus' what Antares needs. Moar bullets. Moar work fer me. Oh boy, I chose best practice. -Doc Moses
Isn't like... 90% (at least) of characters chaotic, and of those, at least half chaotic evil already? Ninja edit: I forgot. They aren't chaotic...
As someone that hasn't seen Skarti as much as other players, I can tell his development has been null, even after being force conscripted into...
Long story short. If it comes to OOC instead of IC, file a report.
I second that. Skarti lies sometimes too and goes on his own way, in his own opinions.
Probably, but there are some limits. Some times may be founded, some others not.
Then who will run the NPC's? I can tell you by experience players even kill NPC's for fun, no matter how much you tweak them, starcheat has made...
That's interest check. Did they (like the Miniknog one) finally start up? I don't know about them personally, they were being talked when I went...