Separate names with a comma.
Typical, yet another attempt at peace. Listen, as much as I wish for this idea to work, you better be damn well prepared, alot, and I repeat,...
Sativa - A mushroom. no shit Vinecutter - A vegetable you leave in the fridge for too long and has gone bad. Teddy - Uuhhh...Cheap ramen noodles...
[MEDIA] Enjoy your hype.
Antares and Laws. That made me laugh. -Vint'hinz(Sativa_Oran)
I'm making this thread to ask what the community would think of such an object. Examples I'd like to give would include things such as Xenoblade...
Not like anyone checks my status anyways.
Then again, I think it'd be more appropriate to be a Mini-Mushroom or something from the NSMB series, I dunno.
If I ever get a custom title, I promise I'll name myself a 1-up mushroom to please the masses.
Couldn't you just toss the grenade next to the alien barely out of the soldier's hitbox so it just hurt the Alien, or no?
The troubles of power armor.
((Why thank you I'm quite proud.))
((But laughably delicious.))
I thought you left.
Wonderful, little miss slutfish is a mod. Better hide the men.
Why am I not surprised. -Vint'hinzz (Sativa_Oran)
Tried 1 Vs 1 for the first time. I like to call myself a decent smasher, but fucking CUH-RIST, LET ME ACTUALLY HIT YOU GOD DAMN IT
I hope you get fried, you menace. -Vint'hinzz (Sativa_Oran)
A basic thread sending a fucking basic complaint evolves into a childish argument, bravo Antares, bra-fucking-vo. -Vint'hinzz (Sativa_Oran)
LAZY ROBUTT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!