Separate names with a comma.
The following rules have changed: Rocket Launchers are no longer banned Staves are no longer banned
So, ladies and gents... seems Chucklefish forgot to include whitelisting support in this last update. I hope I'm wrong, I hope there's just...
So, I accidentally deleted the old version of this thread. Sorry! Anyway, this thread is for those who want to discuss the recent revisions...
Hello, everyone. I hope you've been having a fine day thus far. As many of you probably know, a large stable update is being released today. We...
Hey, folks. Some of you may have noticed a few things missing from the forums. This is because we had an issue with a forum exploit used by a...
Hello, everyone. We're looking for folks to bolster the ranks of Staff in Antares and help us maintain current standards as well as assist in...
Hello, everyone. I was thinking about the TeamSpeak. It doesn't see much use, and it's just another monthly cost. Poll is above. Thanks, Kaz
As I am sure you're all aware, Chucklefish aims to release the 1.0 update sometime within this month of January. If you've played the unstable...
Hello, everyone. Now for the first order of business, the votes have reset for this month. Secondly, I KNOW! I know. "Where are the badges?", "I...
Hello, Antaresians. Here's where you can vote for the various submissions. The chosen artwork will be displayed prominently at the top of our...
Hey, everyone. I finally got around to gathering all the submissions for the logo contest when... I noticed I couldn't find them all. I was only...
Administrators @Angre @Smokestack @Aiko Moderators @Coolguy @WrongEndoftheRainbow @FoRgE @Reconus @Haplap @CaptainBritton02 Wiki Editor @Clem...
Hello, Antaresians! It's about ten minutes to midnight here in the east coast, and that means it's ten minutes until the END of Antares 1-year...
Hello, everyone. At some point in the future, the forums will be down for an extended period of time. This time is uncertain as of yet, but a...
Hello, everyone! After having had a good night's rest, I woke up feeling reinvigorated and better than I ever have in awhile. I'm not sure what...
Hello, everyone! I'd like to welcome and introduce our newest member of the Moderation Team, @Finestein Goodlad ! Hopefully with our bolstered...
Hello, everyone. I recently set all trophy values to zero and removed everyone's trophy points. Why? Well - I didn't see a reason for having...
Hello! I made some customizations to the forum theme just because I was tired of the grey background. Let me know what you think. EDIT: I will...
EDIT: Original idea from this thread: Hello, everyone! I wanted to make an...
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