Separate names with a comma.
Memoria A small, now-depopulated sector on the outer reaches of Council space, plagued with grand, sector-wide natural disasters of cataclysmic...
[IMG] Panic Panic because i know kahlua, amoch, and kuro can be trusted But nobody else in that crowd can be trusted, and no-one is safe (Gof's...
Volare Hearthfeathers is the new head of guard, as Sparrow has resigned from his position in the outsider's district. If you're interested in...
Our full-time gate guard, Gof, has died in a terrible assault upon Mud, which has since been resolved. I will be holding a small service for him...
July 07 [IMG] Kahlua Holy ground ought not to be dismantled. And I regard Skarti’s classroom as holy ground-- a place where Grounded can...
Mud is no longer blocking foreign beam signatures. Please do not harass or conspire against Sunshine Corp. personnel. Mud is under no risk and we...
Ernal is a 5'4" green-feathered Avian with a low, floofy plumage and tiny beak. His stature and form could only be described as frail, light, and...
Think Davel was killed and Sarah McKinley took a few major injuries. Not sure if anyone else was-- people ran out of there pretty quick. -Ernal
Mud is temporarily blocking foreign beam signatures. If you haven't visited Mud before July 8th, your beam signature will be blocked. This is...
Today, mayor of Upside, Argus Hemstreet, was shot dead by an Apex named Davel. Don't have a lot to say about the man-- barely knew him myself....
I apologize for my two-day absence. Had some business to do. I'm back in my office. -Ernal
July 04 [IMG] Force myself to remember-- an Avian can survive days without food, but not long without water. Boil the snow and drink the...
I mean, it's all personal preference. I haven't really had any bland times on Mud but maybe that's because a leadership position is always...
Agreed wholeheartedly. Mud's slice-of-life is gonna get old for me pretty soon. I've got a few ideas, which I might try and sum up in a thread...
[IMG] Ship revs up. Takes me somewhere nice.
[IMG] Talk of guns and rangers and Dead Florans (left to right Sarah, me, Henry, Mick) So much to talk about, so little to say. I had...
Not shown: David
I didn't know Pooky drove the Kursk!
I’ll be splitting this entry into multiple sections as more things occur. I could write for days about one day’s events, yet the world moves fast,...