Separate names with a comma.
The problem is that there's no evidence whatsoever supporting that you won't "mess up" again. The USAF seem to make the same mistakes of generic...
You clearly did not read my response thoroughly. I explained that these "snippits" were the entire respective conversations.
Magic keycards that detect fingerprints and vitals that no longer work the moment the RA soldier dies.
I agree. It doesn't matter how many small issues like this that the RA resolves. The USAF crew are going to continue on with this mentality that...
No. We are concerned about the actions of a very specific group of people. There will be names.
The USAF guys have changed? I wouldn't hold my breath.
"skipi posted this therefore hes wrong" What a revolting use of bias to fuel your argument. Outcasts did everything within the rules. We did not...
can you please stop posting stupid shit
I can't say much about how the RA was in the past, but from what I've been told, it's devolved into a total cesspit for imagination and RP. There...
fuck off faggot - Raz0rQueen
i think he means the moderators the playerbase can fuck themselves
i agree
Aiko = vegemite Felith = vegemite Mute = vegemite Loura = vegemite Any of gramps' characters ever = vegemite
you shouldnt be so hard on yourself
(( turning a ship into a supernuke is very possible according to lore i still wouldn't do it though because its stupid
(( who are you to say its a rip off it must just be a coincidence because darth vader is my original idea
(( you're right, im going to create darth vader and have a death star IC and if any of you children dont like it you can grow up and learn to...
(( no it just needs to not happen because it's a really dumb idea
(( i agree this is complete nonsense and should not be allowed
the miniknog only want control only a complete fucking moron would think that keeping one of those fuckers out is tolerance -Raz0rQueen