Separate names with a comma.
[IMG] I prefer this one But you could use this for some nice sprites though: [IMG]
Md. Tank > Tank
Hylotl low-tables, Handmade Hylotl dressers and curtains, Canopied beds, Hand-crafted lacquered baseboards, A large balcony with a tanning deck,...
Currently my carpenter and I are working on plans to build another home on -77, 95 Planet IX: The Kerokero Shokudou. However, the plot we're...
The menu since the release of this paper has long been changed. I also somewhat doubt the culinary palate of the reviewer, as he didn't state...
I'm in agreement with Felonious here, but Oak raises an important point as well. I believe a rigid structure table of individual injuries and the...
[IMG] Whalecum!
I could end this faction with the power of my puns, and alliteration of course.
The auction has ended, your entry is the highest bid thusfar, which makes you the winner. Currently a background check is being conducted. Please...
[IMG] This maeks grate hat
"Hmm.. I'm afraid due to the size and complexity of the circuitry that a smaller teleporter just isn't probable." -Macha
-77, 95. Planet IX.
10/10 Would read again
[IMG] I have your leader, submit to our demands, meow send us all of your fish forthwith or suffer the prawnsequences. Furst degree purrder.
A crate of the above ingredients then.
Bamboo is actually less likely to burn than most other kinds of wood.
[IMG] [Begin automated auction listing] Currently for Sale: Prime real estate on Oceanfront -77, 95 Planet IX. What you're bidding on is an...
"Please specify how many units per crate, as well as add 20 units of wheat or barley to my order." -Lum
( Treeknife and John were lost to the claws of time. What. )
"Currently we could use another shipment of Beakseed. Please have 10 units delivered to -77, 95 please." Edit: "Please deliver 10 units of Alien...