Separate names with a comma.
Make a TF2 sniper char, or something similar. That's work golden
Can you make the gun in game? Cause, I would start thinking about a character that used a sniper rifle from that long ago.
I would like a server reset. Give a chance for people to make new factions, not have clicks the same way we do now, and allow the much wider...
Woah. People want to be THE main character? Like, of EVERYTHING?
*Would not be possible to had proceeded the way it did
Well, if you base if off a anime character, but dont give them insane OP god abilities, weeboos can be weeboos. Also, people complain about...
Was I part of the problem at all?
I would like to purchase a taser for security reasons, for my new place of work, the den.
\ Duane unite! [IMG] GIFSoup
I like this guy.
Of course, They arent of a huge need anyways. Simply something to replace the brown one while I stitch it up in my free time.
If I could get some Trench coats, in black, dark red, and dark blue, with black shirts underneath all three, that'd be great. (( Recolored...
(( Just as I was going to buy them...
Sorry, I saw no reason to start a page exactly like this.
May I add that the new den will not use lethal force unless needed.
I I would want to give you blueprints if that proposition is accepted.
Would old armor sets be able to be salvaged by you for parts? I would also like to trade a blade for my old set of armor I have no need for.
My apologies, it is hard to be idle while receiving upgrades. Aegis
[IMG] I wish you were a girl so I could make a joke of getting this as a tattoo
Pansy ;)