Separate names with a comma.
OK! So /this/ one is about Max an' that, well... A bit about Max. I'm not to keen enough on the fucker to give 'im a whole lot as I'm sure ya can...
*Another text log follows* >campmacca2.txt< still nowhere found too speak in quiet. realized other day though i cant visit mum and that cuz no...
*An oddity within the PDA, a text document is in with the rest of the audio logs, along with a title of: "camp macca"* >campmacca.txt<...
'Ello lads. Tsk. Gonna 'ave to trim down that log; you know I'm /sure/ that there is a way just... I dunno 'ow to do it like. Oh yeah! 'Case you...
Wow lads. /Fuckin' wow./ I have to start with an apology 'cause I'm fuckin' seethin' right now. I know this is usually a fuckin' recap but 'oly...
*The recording opens with a coughing fit, before clearing into tired and frustrated voice* A few fuckin' days 'ere an' I'm already on me last...
*The voice sounds a lot more neutral than last log. A lot less lethargic, but hardly jovial* Alright. Should be far enough. *There is a yawn*...
Y'know what lads? I was actually listenin' to some of the previous logs y'know, like, makin' sure their fan-dabby-dosey an' that? An' I...
Did you like that? That last log endin'? Where it's all like... "Rolan'..." Then the like... To be continued comes in an' you're all like: "Whoa!...
OK we're back! This is the... Third one. Of the logs. Don't know if someone's 'aving a bloody laugh or summat but the other collection of logs've...
Fuck it. Can't be arsed. Anyway! Down to biz an' shit. Day... One. Yeah. OK, day one like, is the day I arrived 'ere in Pinewood. Quaint......
((The following are a collection of logs to be found within McKenzie Wayne's PDA. Not secured with a password of any kind, however still largely...
((The following are a selection of logs to be found within McKenzie's PDA, usually kept on his person or within his home at all times.)) *The...
Nothing you make is crappy to me <3
I had over 500 likes before they took them away you know
I'm an even BIGGER deal now.
Greetings! I personally enjoy my status of OE refugee, and assure you no acts of subjugation in the name of OE will be made :)
A REALLY big deal obviously
I'm actually a REALLY big deal in case you guys forgot.