Separate names with a comma.
This was going to be a small post, but seeing everyone else post, it's evident I need to expand what I was originally writing. Okay... fucking...
The following is a publicly accessible web page located on the MRB (Mercenary Review Board) public website. The Mercenary Review Board prides...
welcome to antares-late welcome
This is a thread dedicated to all information relaying to objects that may be examined, interacted with, or stolen. The generator It is a five...
This pertains to IC objects, interests, and other indiscernible things that you can't relay OOCly to IC. This includes things like what kind of...
If interested in renting a room, contact Gillian "Pain" Plane via the starnet_im's, or if not available, contact Mr. Ernal, who can also be foudn...
I'll miss you Dodec
The weather 'The Ranch' receives is very comforting, with most days ending in sunny or mostly sunny skies. Temperatures rarely reach anything...
'The Ranch' is owned by Gillian "Pain" Planes. It is looked over by the Indigenous Guard, who protect the ranch. 'We' as in, Gillian and the I.G,...
come check it out and tell me if it's good. its being developed as time goes on in an ic compatible way. coordinates are 1958 2498 Planet I
We simply have to take the blows that come to us through organized attacks.
Haven't RP'd with him much as a character, but yeah, I think it's so strange why a multi-million dollar business man is so... out there so to...
It was something that affected the entire community EvDo.
Yet again it's put on hold. Please post in here the exact times and days the following week you are available for this event. We need as many...
May as well make this the 'I'm a massive cunt." thread for anyone else who wants to admit it too.
Me too Frohman; me too. It feels good.
I'm a massive cunt. I commonly shit post, call people retards, attempt to hurt people emotionally, and generally am a smart ass when I believe...
Let's try and make it higher up then. How does 3 PM EST sound?
Only for these two groups. Also; the event has been put on hold for tomorrow 12 AM EST time. Please comment if you can make it.