Separate names with a comma.
I suppose they weren't.
I may be interested in placing an order, in the near future, if the promise of it being at a reasonable price proves to be true. -Oak
People employed by Rag, respond here and tell me what character and which job. I forgot and wanna make a list. (Damn it, hindsight...)
Perhapss Floran doessn't get ssarcassm yetss... -Nightshade
Knight ssaid thosse who wanted to partake could ansswer here, not sspectator coward perssonss who iss mockingss... -Nightshade
Another issue is that people build their private stuff, so other people can't OOCly critiscize them. Back when Taranis was still around, there...
Update: Sewage system, waterworks and electricity are in place. If you can ICly acquire the applications that require these, go ahead and use them...
Floran will partake and win much glory! Yess! Floran iss Nightsshade, can contact via radio, like alwayss. -Nightshade
sounds like something a hippy would say! [IMG] Welcome.
I'm improving this one; A Noir Type wanna-be Detective, who narrates his own life out loud, acting like he's the main character, overestimating...
Is his name Desmund, and is he a resident of the moon?
spice and wolf was good also wb
I think outdated player forums should be moved to the archives, as some of them, which I won't name, haven't been updated in quite some time...
Yes, you need to play Morrowind, and I need to judge you. Perfect, innit?
add me on steam if you want to be judged actively whenever you boot a game that is not starbound.
Despite not having paid their fine or formally apologising, Ragnarok allows the individual known as Firebird to visit again, if they so desire,...
related or unrelated, the chatbox becomes laggy after a while, refreshing the page doesn't help, you need to close the tab and open a new one
[IMG] Has science gone too far?!
"Uploaded from the oddicial Reticuli Industries Youtube Channel." Oddicial? Is that a joke or a typo? Also, is that supposed to be IC? o_O