Separate names with a comma.
11/03/2416 I had a run-in with a human, supposedly named Wesley, who had been attacked by what I assume to be the same creatures we encountered at...
10/03/2416 After running the test subjects through some puzzles rooms, in order to test their intelligence and senses, I have concluded that not...
09/03/2416 After continually exposing different test subjects to the Umbra, who have all become assimilated in the same way as the first test...
one doesn't simply "fix" sbse...
((Research Notes: Umbra))
08/03/2416 After exposing a small animal (rat) to the substance (which I have dubbed "Umbra"), it spread quickly, completely engulfing the...
Report on the mysterious substance recovered from the creatures encountered at X:67 Y:145 Sigma Beta VII, by Prof. Oak. ((These notes are...
((Speak for yourself, filthy casul. It was also 2am for me :P ...))
Some people aren't commited enough to actually visit the forums and read through our rules, what makes you think they'll read any guides?
Not to mention that then you'll have characters who will be like: i speak all teh languages!
The problem I have with it is that I don't think there's an animal out there that can breathe both out of water and in water... I mean, I know...
If you /really/ want to rewrite the lore so drastically as to create subspecies for... ANY of the races, then there should be a community vote.
variety for the sake of variety does not warrant variety
I don't see why you'd need these different subtypes though...
((Could I come with Oak, who will observe, IC?))
A Hylotl Samurai, named Jack, who has a Floran Shaman Arch rival, Aku, who is responsible for the destruction of his Clan and loved ones! Right...
Doesn't really matter, that wasn't the point I made. Also, there's no reason to decide on that as of yet, since we don't know the specifics...
The universal translators are a lore thing; But ancient Avian hieroglyphs isn't translated by it, nor is binary, nor is the language of the...