Separate names with a comma.
Bumping for interest. Two people have joined so far, and plenty more are welcome!
I would be glad to make contact with you regarding such a trade. We could easily work out an alternative to Automatoes. -Tarlach Strongfist
So for those of you who are fans of mobile game fads, there's an iPhone and Android app called Boom Beach, which is made by the people who did...
Technically it's not his job. It's an administrator's job. He was just specially delegated <3
A quarry. The Erchius is necessary for the generators, and the food is to provide a meal for the workers during the day.
Keep in mind, it's a game. I can guarantee you that Chucklefish did not put this much thought into it.
As of the moment, I am looking to purchase liquid Erchius at an amount of 1000 gallons biweekly, at a price of 1.5 pixels per gallon. I will pay...
You're alright I guess.
Accessing User Database... User: "Tarlach" Passcode: ******** ... Log-in Successful! Accessing File "Finance_Reports"... Loan from "Arcturus...
I sent it through skype :c I DO THIS TOO
Sometimes I send Narf a picture of my leg to put in his signature and HE NEVER DOES IT
Rhombus is an option you silly geese. A square is a rhombus. I vote circle because it's sleek, and my rhino's horn fits the circle perfectly <3...
Yep, pretty much hit the nail on the head there.
Then everything changed when the Fire Nation attacked.
And thus God bestowed upon his subjects the almighty "Underscore," so that they could not mistake Maz_Noviak's name for a labyrinth of hedges.
I rated you as "Informative" because I wanted to rate that somehow, but "disgusting" wasn't an option.
There is a very NSFW drawing waiting to be made from this description.
Well, this is the frontier, so aside from separate colony laws, there are no real limitations on what you can have, other than what is set by...
I sit on my legs a certain way intentionally because it's fun to walk around when your legs are asleep