Separate names with a comma.
Name: Cricket Class: 1 - Visitor Race: Glitch DOB: 1st November, 1939 Occupation: Unemployed Contact Info: Personal PDA: (173.925.53.41)...
Go ahead. Contact information is in the post. -Cricket
I don't do seeds. That's #1 way to kill your market. -Cricket
If you're curious, take a look at Starpedia. These aren't homebrews, mate. And no, I don't sell seeds. -Cricket ((Weed is Marijuana, Toxic is LSD,...
If you need something, and got the cash, I'll find a way to get it to you. Post additional inquiries below. Prices: Narcotics Toxic - 1...
A Novakid rookie cop who doesn't play by the rules gets paired up with a Human....who also doesn't play by the rules. Together, they take down the...
Modpack: Strong Yes, if done correctly. The Modpack needs to be accessible enough of that a Bambi can click a button on the main page and move a...
Hey, I"ve been gone for a while, but if HOPE still has some juice in it, I'm all for jumping back in
I don't think we should go out of our way to build Floran cities. I imagine we can just treat the situation as if there is the occasional Floran...
All in favor of Apex speaking Pig Latin say aye. Actually though, I think a common language could create some interesting language RP. Perhaps one...
Ready to Ruuuuuumble!
Oi, I've been on 'oliday for a while, buttim back. If anythin' needs doin' just give me a ring." -Cricket Sent from a voice-to-text transmitter.
Current Funds: 1890 Pixels Daily Upkeep: 10 Pixels Starting Capital: 100 Pixels - Bought: Cologne Shipment (-50 Pixels) Daily Upkeep (-10...
Probably, but Powergaming happens already, it's just up to us to catch it in the metaphorical bud
Antares might benefit from a combination of the two
Probably not going to be in combat, but: Leonardo HP: 20 AGI: 5 DEF: 0
[MEDIA] Servebot -Servebot is my second oldest character and my oldest character still in 'The Antares Crowd' -I got inspiration after finishing...
Firstly, (before I forget) I'd like to say this is inspired by @Darkwhip and @Tracey here Classic RPG dice system (All chapters) Now then, onto...
Got really excited until I read Then I wad just regular excited