Separate names with a comma.
In case anyone missed the Discord announcement, the server wrapper (which supports the Planet Chat plugin) is being rolled back to the previous...
why are u smellin me I stepped down for a number of reasons, some I won't go into. One of the biggest reasons was that I felt that I was slowing...
Thanks for the question! Unfortunately, I can't really say. Ever since I stepped down as Administrator, I haven't really been following the SBRP...
Thank you both for asking questions. I'll check back periodically and respond to pending questions lump sum, like this. In order to answer this...
Hey, everybody. I'm Kazyyk, the founder of Antares Roleplay. Some of you probably still remember me. I thought this'd be fun, so here we go. Ask...
I just want to take a moment to personally thank @OmegaMatt for his contribution to Antares, as it is his code that has made the planet chat...
Maintenance is complete, for now. I didn't get around to doing everything I wanted to do, but the big stuff is done. This forum should be snappier...
Welcome to any position of authority, particularly in online communities. Seriously, though, I get you. It gets to you after awhile. There are no...
Hello, new person! I rarely visit, but I decided to say hello to you.
How's everyone holding up?
Nope, you got me. I haven't worked on the launcher in awhile, so I totally forgot. My bad.
Guys. Those are client-side mods. You can use those already. Angre is referring to server-side mods. Client-side: You can use them without the...
((You guys know that news posts sent alerts to everyone on the forum, right? Also, unless it's been changed, the news section is supposed to be...
Now I want to add a colorblind mode to the launcher that would enable a color blindness mod. Although it would be almost impossible to account for...
It's super simplified. You run the launcher, just like you do for vanilla Starbound. Then you select your binary, (32bit, OpenGL, 64bit, etc.)...
Version 1.2.1 of the Antares Launcher is now available for download. Changelog: Fixed an issue where server-side mods would not update or be...
Version 1.2 of the Antares Launcher is now available for download. Changelog: Added error codes throughout the program to help me track down...
Version 1.1 of the Antares Launcher is now available for download. Changelog: Fixed erroneous error pop-up when checking for launcher update...