Separate names with a comma.
You were the only one opposed to Florans having a forked tongue and jacobson organ. The fact that I didn't change what the majority of people... second draft
That's assuming they /do/ run on combustion. Considering they probably do not need to breathe, they probably don't metabolise and they probably...
Going to start work on the second draft. I'll try to elaborate more on how I see the Novakid work, regarding their regeneration, lifespan, etc...
I would be an ass and ask how they'd be able to afford to provide help & supplies to an entire wrecked city, but that'd be lame of me... I mean,...
wat dis?
There is no galactic common language, there's universal translators. The Floran language gets translated, the Agaran language only gets translated...
I've seen that while researching plant senses stuff, and decided that a forked tongue and jacobson organ made more sense for a Floran. Florans...
I'm a cool dude, with cool ideas.
Nah, supposedly they're able to regenerate any part of the shell and cytoplasma, by shifting their plasma around. The brand is pretty much the...
I believe that, in chucklefish's canon, not our server canon necessarily, the Novakid are remnants/shards of whatever divine being created the...
Novakid are beings made from energy. Their brands possess a powerful charge and their body mass consists from super heated plasma. The amount of...
Honestly, the shell itself isn't that special. Plasma is super-heated gas(sorta), it's the 4th form of matter. The EM-field generated by a...
We could name the place "Sanctuary", for ironic reasons.
Fair enough, but stars are significantly larger than Novakid, they possess more "fuel/energy". They're also not /alive/.
Eh, could you elaborate WHY it is impractical? I disagree to some degree; I believe the current chatbox is cool because it's integrated with our...
Can the people who vote on the poll also comment an explanation for their vote? I'd appreciate the feeback/arguments/reasonings behind it.
This would be true if Novakid burned everything around them to a crisp. Their shell is sufficiently isolated to allow the plasme to retain most of...
Some aspects of Bietol's creation are illogical and unbalanced for RP, whereas some aren't. I believe it makes more sense to give the Novakid this...